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Drop By Drop 💧

Filter with Nature.


About Drop By Drop

Drop by Drop is a rainforest water filter system, Drop by Drop is a small model of a "rainforest," which uses trees to filter dirty water into clean water. The Drop by Drop system is used so that you could filter water without using technology, or rather, electricity. All you need to do is pour some water onto the plant, and the plant will do the rest for you, just wait for the clean water to pour out into the container.


The plant I use for the Drop By Drop product is a plant named Kumis Kucing, take note that this product does depend on what plant you are using, since the picture here uses a tall plant with lots of leaves and the size of the leaves are medium sized,it would be better to do this. Because, if you use a wider plant than a taller plant the design of the product needs to be changed.

Drop By Drop Final Product Alltogether.j
Have you heard of the drop by drop syste

Survey on if people knows the drop by drop system or not.

How It Works

How It Works



Transpiration is a process of a plant's loss of water through the stomatas of the leaves. Stomatal openings in the leaves are necessary for the leaf to admit carbon dioxide in and allow oxygen to escape during the process of photosynthesis, therefore transpiration is an unavoidable process that accompanies the real functions of the stomata. (

Purpose of a Rainforest

A Rainforest is an area of tall, mostly evergreen trees and high amount of rainfall. Rainforests are one of the oldest ecosystem there is on this planet, with some of the rainforests being in the same shape today as they are 70million years ago. Rainforests thrive in every continent except for Antarctica. The tropical islands of Southeast Asia and parts of Australia has a very dense area of Rainforests. Rainforests help the world regulate its climate and provide us with everyday products.

Rainforest Facts


Most rainforests are structured in 4 layers, emergent, canopy, understory, and forest floor. Each layer has different properties based on their levels of water, sunlight, and air circulation. (National Geographic Society)


Survey Results

Have you heard of the drop by drop syste

This is a graph where people answered if they have heard of the drop by drop system or not, looking at the graph, the majority of people have not heard of a water filter called drop by drop. This website is made to explain about what and how the drop by drop system is. 

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